Seth Walsh, a 13 year old from California, hung himself. Asher Brown, another 13 year old, shot himself. Billy Lucas, a 15 year old from Indiana hung himself. Tyler Clementi, an 18 year old from New Jersey killed himself when he jumped off the George Washington Bridge. Raymond Chase, a 19 year old from Rhode Island hung himself too.
These boys all killed themselves because they were being constantly and heartbreakingly taunted, harassed and bullied for their real or perceived sexual orientation. It makes me so angry! It’s 2010… when will it stop? Haven’t we reached the point in evolution where we can treat human beings like human beings? Regardless of your beliefs, these CHILDREN are killing themselves.
Schools need to start doing something about this and do it now. If school faculty and administrators continue to allow students to be bullied and harassed, they should be held criminally and civilly liable. More importantly, parents need to teach their children that all people deserve respect, and that it's ok to be different. They need to teach them by showing them. By watching their words and their actions. By being respectful.
If these recent suicides are not a wake-up call to all of us, then I sincerely fear for humanity.
Thankfully, some folks are starting to take notice and are doing something to speak out. Dan Savage, one of my favorite columnists, has started the “It Gets Better Project” on YouTube. Folks can upload their stories for kids out there who are struggling, so that they can realize that it WILL get better for them one day, and suicide is not an option. Go here to watch or submit a video.
Here is one of my all-time favorite celebrities, Ellen:
Sarah Silverman has posted a YouTube video. To me, her very powerful message says it all:
"Dear America, when you tell gay Americans that they can't serve their country openingly or marry the person they love, you're telling that to kids, too. So, don't be f*#!*#% shocked and wonder where all these bullies are coming from that are torturing young kids and driving them to kill themselves because they're different. They learned it from watching you."
All people, regardless of their gender, race, religion, creed, or sexual orientation deserve to be afforded the same rights as everyone else. But at the VERY LEAST, they to be treated humanely and with respect. At the VERY LEAST deserve that.
By the way, October 18 to 22 is Ally Week. If you care, go to and take the pledge to support the GLBT community. They need someone to lean on right now.
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